Park & Greenbelt Trail Rules

1.  Except for specific areas that might be classed as       
exceptions by special resolution, the Board of Directors
considers itself charged with prudent management of a "nature"
are, not a park.
2.  Alterations and / or modifications including digging,  addition
of man-made material, cutting of trees and flora, graffiti,
construction of Motor Cross Trails, bicycle racing tracks, forts,
etc are prohibited.

3.  Motorized vehicles are prohibited, except  vehicles
necessary for maintenance and security as  specifically  
authorized by the Board of Directors.

4.  Dumping of trash, grass clippings, garbage, litter, etc. on
Greenbelt property is strictly forbidden.

5.  Owners of property adjoining the Greenbelts may   clear
Greenbelt property of trees and undergrowth with “trunk”
diameter of less than two inches for a distance of 3 feet from
their personal property line but any construction or altering of
contour will not be allowed. Similarly, such owners may clear a
single pathway not more than 3 feet in width between their
property and the hard-surfaced Greenbelt, however, such
pathways shall not be paved or edged with logs, stones, etc.

6.  Fences along the major thoroughfares are Greenbelt
property and members who cause damage and / or accelerated
deterioration of these fences will be held accountable.

7.  Use or possession of guns (BB guns, pellet guns, etc.) and
other unsafe activities such as lighting fires on the Greenbelts
are prohibited.

8.  Dogs and other animals on the Greenbelts must be leashed.

9.  Members will be billed for the cost of correction /   
elimination of any unauthorized alterations of Greenbelt
property and / or any other violation that can be traced to a
specific property owner or his / her dependents or guests.